
Showing posts from September, 2009

The Right Time

Over the past three weeks, I haven't been here much. That doesn't mean that I haven't been getting my training in, but more that I've been so busy, I haven't had the time for the extras. Anna has had 9 cross country meets, Will has had 3 football games, we celebrated a holiday working on the farm, and had family come visit for a long weekend. With all of that I started off the month really well, with only a few missed training days. However, as the weeks went on the missed days came more and more often, culminating in some kind of virus that had me down for an nearly a week. The largest disappointment of it is my leg has been holding up well, my mileage was growing and my biking has been getting stronger. With luck and healing, I will be back to my normal schedule again soon. Today's XC meet should be interesting. The intramural club folded, so Will has been training with the middle school team and has finally practiced enough to be eligible for meets. A col...

Recess Anyone?

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything out here, and to throw everyone even a bigger curve ball, I'm going to totally change format for this post. As my runs have gotten progressively a little longer again, I've started to get my lunchtime runs back closer to where they were in the spring before this whole mess with my leg started. And with that, I've been getting back to some routes that I haven't done for a while. To make things even more enjoyable, the late summer/early fall weather has been perfect for running; still warm, but with light breezes that keep it quite comfortable. One of my favorite routes takes me past an elementary school, that at the time I'm running has the kids outside for noon recess. Now, I've run past this scene of kids playing, easily a dozen times this year, but this week it just struck me odd. As a girl was going down a slide and looked out the fence at me, I thought to myself, you know, we are doing the exact s...