
Now for the lull after the event. Overall I felt fine after last weeks half, although that was a slow training run for me, so I wouldn't have expected otherwise. I was tired, but that had more to do with getting up for the race and then getting up just as early on Sunday to go to a swim meet for the entire day. Yes, we are back into the swim meet season, this time for long course (50m or Olympic size pool).

I wasn't really into the swim meet, and part of it is the pool change from 25 yard to 50 meter. The seed times are converted, so they aren't a good representation and I need to relearn the different time standards.

I was kind of in a slump, but have all of a sudden been very excited about hitting the roads again. I got in my 7 milers on Monday and Thursday this week. I missed Wednesday because of a corporate community service day. I didn't mind missing, as the project is all about giving back to the community. Thursday I altered my route a bit to cut through the garden we created on Wednesday. It was nice to see the area without all the people, stakes, and layout lines. It will be fun to watch it grow over the years. It was a bit warmer than we have experienced for about 6 weeks, and although I took it easier, I still started to heat up. I'm going to have to watch the weather for my lunch time runs and may need to cut back the mileage a bit until I get acclimated to the warmer temps.

Saturday was a work day at the house, so it was up early for my long run. I originally mapped out 12, but was prepared to deviate if I was feeling good. And the weather was so nice, in the upper 50's and calm at the start, I found my groove and was really enjoying the run. I changed my route a couple of times and just kept going. I was a little tired for the last 1 1/2 miles, but that's probably because I did 14.6! My leg felt fine while I was running, but stiffened up later in the day.

Sunday was a walk and sit day with our annual family outing to the Indianapolis 500. The weather was warm, but we had good hydrating snacks and lots of water. A good time was had by all. However, right leg was bothering me a little on the mile long walk in and out of the track.

Also on Sunday, Anna asked me to run with her on Monday because she has been off for about 10 days post track and with a bad cold. So when Monday evening came around it was time to drag her out. She was reluctant to go, wanting to veg after a day of studying, but she warmed up to the idea once we got going. I took her for 3.3, but had to work pretty hard. She likes to go fast and doesn't need the warm-up time that this old guy does. I dropped her and home and was feeling really good, so I added another 2.7 for a nice round 6. But after stopping the leg started to speak up.

This week is going to be a wait and see week. I need some rest days on this leg right now. I was hitting it with the stick and foam rolling on Monday, and was finding lots of sore and tender spots. Even though I don't realize it, I think that I am altering my stride causing other issues. Since there is nothing on the calendar but base miles, it's better to take the time off now and get healthy before training for the fall race season starts.

Artist for Song in Title: Wynton Marsalis on J Mood


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