(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding

Today I have peace and understanding and find myself in a better place. I rested, did a mediocre job of cross training (it has been nice to get reacquainted with my bike), and had a sports massage. Last week Saturday I went to watch my son in a middle school cross country meeting. For those of you who haven't watched XC before, the fans get a workout running to different points on the course to watch. As I did so, I noticed that my calf was pain free! The plans for my Saturday afternoon changed at that moment. I really didn't want to work on the honey-do list anyway.

When I got home, I grabbed a quick pb&j sandwich, gathered my long run gear and headed out the door into the unseasonably warm 85 degree day. I have to admit, I was hoping to sneak in 12-15 miles. That would have put me in place to get back on track for the marathon. I don't know if it was the lack of fueling earlier in the day, the warm temperatures or something else, but after about 5 miles I was starting to question myself. At 7 1/2, my calf started to tighten a bit, so I went another 1/2 mile, then walked the last bit home.

So why am I in a better place? For starters, I did get in almost 8 pain free miles. But most importantly, because I wasn't able to get in a double digit long run, I have fully accepted that my body just isn't going to let me race a marathon this fall. And I'm okay with that. I've learned something about myself. I need to listen to my body and adjust a workout early if something doesn't feel right. Just because I put it on paper doesn't mean that I have to do it (seems obvious doesn't it?). It's better to adjust a workout than to be injured and adjusting plans. Also, my goals are still realistic and I can still achieve them in the time frame I have in mind. Finally and most importantly, I'm excited to run again and my love for the experience is back.

Artist for Song in Title: Elvis Costello


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