False Start

 As July is coming to a close, I have to recognize all the false starts that I have experienced in my training. There were at least 3 if not 4 times that I got a good start, but was derailed after only a few days. I decided that I wouldn't run this month, would just rest my legs and enjoy the breaks. To aid in that effort I started the month by investing my Christmas money in a new bike trainer. It's a nice bright green color that doesn't go with any decor. Of course if it did, I would question my decorating taste. The trainer has been a big help to keeping me doing something, the only downside is that my workouts have become evening only. I have also worked in a few yoga sessions, but again that is an after work activity.

At this point you may be wondering what's wrong with evenings after work. As the parent of 2 swimmers, 1 club and 1 high school, January, February and March are very demanding months. Making sure 2-a-days aren't missed, dealing with 2 practice schedules and the meets. There was one 8 day stretch that included 6 days of meets and one banquet. To make that worse, the weekend days were all day! So swimming is what is wrong with evenings after work.

Don't get me wrong, I love to attend and watch my kids participate, but it has just made it very easy to say that my workout can wait till tomorrow. There are only 2 more weeknight meets in February, maybe I can keep my routine consistent.

Artist for Song in Title: The Wonder Stuff


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