Check It Out
Another week, still sore. The run on Saturday didn't make my leg any worse, but I wasn't better either. On Tuesday I remembered that my running store, The Running Company , has a trainer come in occasionally. A quick e-mail got me the answer that the Tuesday was the June day, otherwise I would have to wait until July. I felt a little like this was fate, so I quickly got changed and headed to the Broadripple store. I was the third person in line and got my turn after about a 30 minute wait. The trainer felt around and felt a suspicious spot on my Tibia, that just happened to be where the pain was centered. Because of the location of the spot, he wasn't sure, but considered a stress fracture a real possibility. He suggested I continue waiting and testing, but thought the season would get away from me and suggested I see a doctor. I have taken his advise and have an appointment with a sports medicine doctor this week. On the heels of Will getting his road bike and wanting to...